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RAF Stations Grants Programme

As well as support to individuals we are pleased to be able to provide financial support directly to RAF stations and units to further enhance the welfare provision available to them.

Three people shaking hands

Our RAF Station Grants Programme supports the cost of delivering welfare facilities and activities which benefit both serving personnel and their dependants on RAF stations. We encourage all members of the RAF Family to come forward with projects and initiatives that you think meet with our welfare outcomes and that we should fund.

Grants can be used for larger projects such as capital works like building refurbishments through to smaller projects such as the provision of a cinema club projector or wellbeing activities.

Application Process & Forms 

Our station grants programme is split into two funding streams:

  • Small Grants stream - funding of up to £5000 is available for projects and activities that can demonstrate that they deliver at least one of the welfare outcomes set out in our Impact Framework.
  • Large Grants stream -  funding between  £5000-£35,000 is available for projects and activities that can demonstrate that they deliver more than one of the welfare outcomes set out in our Impact Framework.

To find out more, or just have a chat about your application, please email You can see examples of our previous support to RAF Stations through this funding programme here

We aim to make decisions on applications within a month of receipt but this is dependent upon the volume of applications at that time. Please download the appropriate application form and once completed send to



To find out more, or just have a chat about your application, please call programme manager Irene Greenwood on 020 7580 3436. You can see examples of our previous support to RAF Stations through this funding programme here

Additional Funding Streams 

We run a number of additional funding streams as part of the wider Station Grants programme. These are invite only funding streams and we will write to Station Commanders inviting applications from their teams when these funding opportunities are live. These include: 

Ben Play and Ben Parenting 

In addition to our award winning Airplay programme we provide funding for Stations to commission their own activities that enhance parenting skills and build knowledge of children's development needs. You can see an example of previous funding here

Families Days 

We invite applications from Stations to cover the cost of running their annual Station Families Day. This is an opportunity for the Fund to support the coming together of the families of service personnel and promote the Fund support and services that are available to them. 


We recognise that there are many ex-RAF personnel and their families who find the Christmas period particularly difficult for a variety of reasons. We provide small pots of funding to RAF Stations that want to run Christmas lunches and/or deliver hampers to veterans living in the community local to their Station. You can see previous examples of OpChrismas funding here.