Help with training and employment
There are a number of ways we can support with further education. We also have some helpful information on other organisations offering support with employment.

If you are medically discharged from service we may provide additional assistance over and above the normal resettlement process to assist with transition training courses.
Unemployment and retraining
In some cases, we can provide support to assist those who have found themselves unemployed and in need of financial assistance to cover the cost of training courses.
You might also find the following organisations useful in helping you to find the most sustainable career opportunities.
Career Transition Partnership
If you are in the process of leaving the RAF or you are within two years of your discharge date, the Career Transition Partnership (CTP) can offer additional training and skill development. Depending on the length of your service, the CTP provides training courses and workshops to help with your resettlement into civilian life.
Future Horizons Programme
Designed to help early Service leavers find and sustain employment on leaving the Armed Forces, the Future Horizons Programme is based on a needs assessment and offers access to training, personal development and educational courses to overcome barriers to work.
The Forces Employment Charity (FEC) helps those leaving the Armed Forces find and remain in employment. It provides regionally-based comprehensive employment support. There are thousands of job opportunities with employers who value military experience. It can advise you on careers suited to you and know which employers are recruiting in your area. To register your details and get assistance, visit the FEC website.
Civvy Street provides free and impartial advice on employment, skills and training. Careers advisers will help you decide upon a career path that is right for you and should you require funding can help you find it. The Civvy Street website also has thousands of jobs for Service leavers from employers who actively recruit ex-Service personnel.
Additionally, you can receive help and support from Jobcentre Plus. Jobcentre Plus has access to a wide range of job vacancies, as well as special training and work programmes.
You may also be eligible to claim Jobseeker's Allowance or Universal Credit payments and other benefits to support you while you look for work. We can provide advice to help you with this.
Specialist help for veterans with a disability
LifeWorks is a five-day course run by Royal British Legion Industries. It aims to equip ex-Armed Forces personnel with the tools to get into and maintain a civilian job that is appropriate for them. It is available to anyone who has been in the Armed Forces, regardless of when and how long they served for.
As well as providing work for veterans at The Poppy Factory in Richmond helps find work for wounded, injured and sick ex-Service personnel with employers in their own community. They match you up with an employment caseworker to provide one-to-one support to create a career development plan as well as 12 months of in-work support, should you require it.
Support for children's educational costs
If a serving member of the RAF dies or has a severe disability which prevents them from working, we may be able to support their children to go to university or a vocational college. A scholarship can be paid every year for up to four years of undergraduate study to cover living costs.
Am I eligible for support?
View our eligibility checklist to see if you would qualify for help.
Apply for support
If you are seeking financial support for £750 or less, you can apply online. For applications over £750 we need to arrange a caseworker visit, either in person or virtually. Please call us on 0300 102 1919 or make an enquiry for help and we can arrange this.