Who's eligible for help?
We're dedicated to supporting not only serving and ex-serving personnel but also the whole of the RAF Family, including dependants and carers.

We hope the information below helps to answer any questions but, if for any reason you're unsure about whether the Fund can help you or a loved one, please give us a call on 0300 102 1919.
Eligibility checklist
Who's eligible:
1. All serving members of the Royal Air Force and members of the Royal Air Force Reserves.
2. All former members of the RAF who completed one day's attested service (including Royal Auxiliary Air Force and Reserve personnel).
3. The immediate family members of those who serve (spouse, civil partner, widow/widower and children):
- Children are eligible up to the age of 18 or to the end of secondary education if later. Children who, because of illness or disability, remain or become dependent on their parents after the age of 18 retain eligibility until they regain their independence.
- Widows/widowers/surviving partners whose date of marriage/civil partnership was during their partners RAF Service or if their partner died in service retain lifetime eligibility based on need even if they remarry (eligibility does not extend to the new partner).
- Widows/widowers/surviving partners whose date of marriage was not during their partners RAF service remain eligible for fund assistance until remarriage/partnership.
- Divorced spouses/separated partners are eligible for fund assistance only if their committed partnership was during their partners RAF service. Eligibility ceases on remarriage/partnership. Should the second marriage/partnership end in bereavement, separation or divorce, eligibility is restored.
- Divorced spouses/separated partners whose committed relationship was not during their partners RAF service will be eligible for fund assistance for 6 years after separation.
- Partners may be treated as a spouse/widow where there is satisfactory evidence of a committed relationship. For example, duration of relationship, children, joint ownership of property, or joint financial arrangements.
- Live-in carers (relatives or friends), who have demonstrated a longstanding commitment to the needs of the beneficiary, are eligible for assistance for up to six months after caring arrangements have ceased.
4. All currently serving members of University Air Squadrons.
5. Former members of the Royal Observer Corps and Air Transport Auxiliary and their partners and dependent children.
6. Certain foreign nationals or former members of the Commonwealth and Dominion Air Forces who served in the Second World War. This includes their partners and dependent children.
7. RAF Air Cadets, including members of the Combined Cadet Force, applications are considered on a case-by-case basis for emotional wellbeing, counselling and bereavement support. Financial support is also given if a member is killed, on or off duty. This also extends to staff cadets and uniformed volunteers.
Please note that some of our services are means tested such as care home top-up assistance or if you require financial help.
More information
Download our guide to our services booklet (PDF) to find out more about the support we offer.
Request our help today
If you would like to receive support, please get in touch by completing our request our help form or call our free support line on 0300 102 1919.