Leave your dedication
Losing a loved one is often one of the most challenging times that anyone can face.
For many, knowing how to commemorate their life can be the hardest decision and we can find ourselves pondering as to what that should be.
At RAF Benevolent Fund, we help provide that opportunity for families and friends from all over the world to help you remember a loved one just as you would wish via a Dedication Page.
Leaving a message on our Dedication Page is a lovely way to celebrate that person who meant so much to you. You can share a message, or even a photo with your most precious memories of them; something to be treasured forever.

Whether or not they have served in the RAF, join us, like many others and remember your loved one today via a Dedication Page.
Here are some examples of Dedications;
Alistair's Dedication
Alistair created his dedication in memory of his father, Kenneth George Price DFC, a skilled navigator who played his part in The Great Escape.
"The RAF meant so much to my father. Having just written a book on him and his life, this page will further allow me to remember his invaluable commitment to his country. "
Rebecca's Dedication
Rebecca left her loving dedication in memory of her father Neville Ian Barrett.
"Thank you for allowing my father's memory to be memorialised on your website. The RAF was a huge part of his life which he loved and cherished the memories and made many lifelong friends."
Further information
If you would like some help with creating your Dedication, please call Charles Bloom on 020 7580 8343 or email hello@rafbf.org.uk.