Service Day's Pay Giving
The RAF has a long and proud tradition of looking after its own. If you are serving in the RAF, you can play your part by giving through Service Day's Pay Giving. We will also be here for you if you ever hit a rough patch in life.
Every month, thousands of RAF personnel give a donation straight from their RAF pay to the RAF's leading charity, the RAF Benevolent Fund. We then use your support to bring practical, emotional and financial help to serving and retired RAF personnel who have been plunged into very difficult situations and need our support.
This scheme contributes more than £1.5M to the charity each year and enables us to be there for those members of the RAF Family who are struggling to makes ends meet or rebuild their lives after a serious injury.
When you sign up to give through Service Day's Pay Giving, you will give 64% of one day's pay, spread over 12 monthly instalments.

How we use your donations
Thanks to your generous support we were there for Rob when he needed us. A mid-air collision left Rob, a parachute instructor, with life-changing and sadly career-ending injuries. We were there at the very beginning and we're still there now supporting Rob.
Emotional wellbeing
You could be helping someone to have the specialist support they need to find a way through when life feels overwhelming.
Independent living
You could be enabling RAF personnel who are injured or become seriously ill to keep their dignity and still get the best out of life.
Wellbeing breaks
Your donations could help to give someone with PTSD a few days’ peace and quiet by the sea.
Family crisis support
You might be helping an RAF parent – even a colleague – with the cost of travelling to hospital to be with their critically ill child.
Individual and station grants
We turn donations into all kinds of things to take the pressure off when something unexpected happens, for example, an emergency grant for a serving person who needs to rush to see a very ill parent but can’t afford the travel. Service Day's Pay Giving can also help to improve your life on station. Recently, for example, donations improved junior ranks' social space at RAF Leeming.
Transition to civilian life
You could be helping someone, for example, with the cost of retraining and rebuilding their life after a medical discharge.
Here for you too – for life
All of this support is available for anyone who is serving, and their loved ones – even after you've left the RAF. We'll always be here for you.
When you sign up to be part of the RAF's Service Days Pay Giving, you will be joining our long and proud RAF tradition of looking out for one another, whatever life brings.