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Please show your support this Christmas

Despite all they have done for us in their lifetime, veterans often struggle to reach out because they don’t believe that they are deserving of help.

Former RAF airframe mechanic Neil struggled with loneliness after going through a separation from his wife and losing both parents. Apart from his daughter Jean, he told us he felt “completely alone”.

But since reaching out to the RAF Benevolent Fund, things are looking brighter for Neil. He is receiving counselling for his grief, has befriended other veterans through our monthly coffee mornings and is planning to join our trip to RAF Duxford in the new year.

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For over 100 years, we’ve been the RAF’s most devoted friend, and we will endeavour to ensure that any member of the RAF Family struggling with loneliness gets support and connection that they deserve.

Please donate now and show RAF veterans who are struggling this Christmas that they are deserving of support.

Neil with a Christmas Tree

This Christmas, please make a gift to help support RAF veterans and their families. Together, we’ll continue to be here for as long as they need us. Thank you.