RAF Falcons team hike the Potato Chip Rock in aid of the Fund
Earlier this month, twelve members of the RAF Falcons team hiked to Potato Chip Rock in California. The journey was an 8-mile round trip, during which they climbed around 2000ft climb in elevation.
Starting and finishing at Lake Poway, they worked in teams of three. Each team carried a 14kg parachute, plus food and water.
The focus of the challenge was all about team-work and supporting one another.
"If someone needed to slow down or started to fall behind we kept them going, much in the same way the RAF Benevolent Fund supports service personnel and their families.", says Sgt Greg Ashelby. "Being new on the team and completing it together was the highlight for me."
"The day was mostly cloudy which helped to keep the temperature down. Typically being active and competitive individuals, the pace started fairly quick but did slow so we climbed as a whole group."
When asked why it was important for them to support the Fund, Greg added;
"We feel it is important to highlight the work done by the RAFBF, and with the majority of us being Physical Training Instructors, we wanted to do it in a physical and challenging manner."
"The RAF Benevolent Fund are a longstanding sponsor of the RAF Falcons, supporting current and former RAF personnel in a multitude of ways, including assisting a former PJI, Rob Bugden, following a parachuting accident."
The RAF Falcons are the UK’s premier military parachute display team. You can find out more about the RAF Falcons (@raffalcons) on their website and social media channels.