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6 Signs you're tapped out from training


In the second blog of our cycling training series, we’ll be looking at the importance of tapping out, before you become tapped out. Rest is an essential component of physical training and without it, we’d find ourselves fizzled out, grumpy and unable to perform at our best. Read along with the Fund as we share tips on which signs to look out for that may be telling you it’s time to rest!

Training every day can leave you shattered. Luckily, our bodies give us signs that tell us when we’re asking for too much from it. With the post-Christmas workout resolutions driving most of the nation to-and-fro the gym, work, studies and parenting combined can leave us with some rather unpleasant side effects.

Elevated heart rate 

One of the key signs of over training is an elevated resting heart rate. If you notice a significant increase in your heart rate it’s a definite warning sign. Things like medication and illness can also affect heart rate but a sudden rise following recent changes to your training routine shouldn’t go ignored.

Irritability and mood swings 

Over training causes not only psychological symptoms but physiological ones too. Exercise has an influence on our hormones, which affect our mood, stress levels and tolerance. The signs of overexerting yourself in training can show up as depression, low self-esteem and major irritability.

Nagging injuries and illness 

Over training can make you more susceptible to injuries and illnesses. Recurring upper respiratory tract infections and sore throats are a sure sign that it’s time to take a break from working out intensely.


Despite how knackered we can feel after training, overdoing it can disturb your sleep and give you a poo sleep quality. Training too close to your bedtime, or too intensely in the evenings can leave you battling insomnia which makes managing those mood swings increasingly difficult. As well as contributing to hormonal imbalance, a lack of sleep can cause water retention weight gain.

Lack of motivation 

Most of us usually look forward to training. Few things beat the feeling you get after completing an intense work out; endorphins pumping, dopamine rising, and a renewed mental and physical strength. But when your motivation to hit the gym is dragging and getting into the swing of training sessions begins to become increasingly difficult, your body could be signalling to you that it needs a break. Extreme exhaustion will result in an inability to hit your training targets. It’s better in this case to put your training on hold.

Mental fog

Baby brain, without the baby - Do you find yourself making silly mistakes, forgetting things, generally have a lack of clarity? If yes, then it’s definite warning sign that you’re overdoing things.

So, what should we do when our bodies are telling us that it’s time to slow down?

We’re all human and it takes a knock to the ego when the littlest of things doesn’t go the way we’d planned, but it's better to rest than to resist.

If any of the above symptoms sound familiar then don’t just ignore it, react! Review your training regime, include more rest days and remember when exercise produces feelings of fatigue, rather than a sense of increased energy, it’s time to make some changes.

Take a look at some of our previous tips for training here.