Benefits advice Q&A: Supporting the RAF Family with winter benefit entitlements
RAF Benevolent Fund Welfare Benefits Advisor, Rebecca Relph, outlines some key information about winter fuel payments for those of pension age and how to find out what you are entitled to.
What is the Winter Fuel Payment?
This is an annual tax-free payment for households that includes someone born on or before 22 September 1958. It is available to help cover heating costs over the winter months. You could receive £200 towards your bills. If you are over 80, you could receive £300.
How have these payments changed since 2023?
The government announced a change in the eligibility rules for the Winter Fuel Payment in July 2024. Starting this winter 2024/2025, the Winter Fuel Payment will only be available to those of state pension age who are receiving a qualifying means-tested benefit. These benefits include:
- Pension Credit
- Universal Credit
- Income Support
- Income-Based Jobseekers Allowance
- Income-Related Employment and Support Allowance
- Child Tax Credit or Working Tax Credit of at least £26 for the tax year 2024-25
To be deemed eligible, you must be receiving one of these benefits and be living in England or Wales in the qualifying week (16-22 September 2024).
Arrangements for Scotland are not yet confirmed but are likely to be the same. Please contact us for more details.
How do you get a Winter Fuel Payment?
If your household receives a qualifying benefit the payment should be paid automatically. However, if you have never received a Winter Fuel Payment before, or if you claim Universal Credit, you might need to make a claim. If you receive Child Tax Credit or Working Tax Credit, you must make a claim.
You should receive your payment between mid-November and Christmas. Call the Winter Fuel Payment helpline on 0800 731 0160 if you have any queries or if you don't receive your payment.
How do you make a claim to receive Pension Credit?
Currently around 850,000 eligible pensioners are not claiming Pension Credit and are at risk of missing out on the Winter Fuel Payments. Families, friends and neighbours are encouraged to reach out to retired family members to check their eligibility and help them apply.
Pension Credit claims should be made as soon as possible to receive the Winter Fuel Payment. You must make your claim before 21 December 2024 – this is the last possible date to make a successful backdated claim for Pension Credit.
Applications for Pension Credit can be made:
- On the How to Claim page
- Calling 0800 99 1234 (Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm)
- By printing out and filling in a paper application form
- For more information visit the Pension Credit gov.uk page
Pension Credit can also give you access to other support such as Council Tax Reduction and free TV licences for over 75s. Do read our Income Maximization booklet for more details on these.
Our friendly benefits team are available to provide benefits advice and to check eligibility for Pension Credit and other state benefits. Please give us a call on 0300 102 1919 or email advice@rafbf.org.uk.
What other help is available for members of the RAF Family who may need it this winter?
- The Warm Home Discount Scheme will reopen in October 2024
- Cold Weather Payments are separate to the Winter Fuel Payment. This is specifically for when the temperature drops to zero degrees for seven or more days in a row
- The Household Support Fund is available from local authorities to support low-income families. These schemes will vary from council to council, but it is always worth checking if you can apply for help on your local council website
- Citizens Advice has a useful webpage that covers all of these schemes and more
If you are still worried about the cost of living and your upcoming bills, please do contact our friendly Welfare Navigators to see what support is available to you on 0300 102 1919.