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Dan Pelling Lord Mayor's Curry Lunch

Lord Mayor’s Big Curry Lunch: Guest Blog




On Thursday 18th April, the annual Lord Mayor’s Big Curry Lunch, organised by ABF The Soldiers’ Charity, took place at Guildhall in London. 

The event, which  raises money to support veterans of all services into sustainable employment in the civilian world, was attended by some of the most senior offices of HM armed forces, as well as members of the Royal Family, including guest of honour, HRH Princess Anne.

RAF Benevolent Fund ambassador Dan Pelling attended the event and provides a guest blog about his experience…

I became an ambassador in the Fund to try and give something back to the charity, as they have been there for me since my accident resulting in a spinal injury in August 2000.  

It was a last minute invite to the Lord Mayor’s Big Curry Lunch held at the Guildhall in London. I was in from the word ‘Curry!’ and I was also really excited that I might be greeted with The Princess Royal.

We got up to the Guildhall in plenty of time, a first for me. We went in and met up with the Fund representatives on their stand and the organiser. It was at this point that they said we'd be in the greeting line and that we would be on The Princess Royal’s table for lunch…eek! 

Dan Pelling

At ten past 12, standing in line, we met the Lord Mayor and many other important people, then The Princess Royal walked in, gloves on, shaking people’s hands and taking her time talking to everyone.  I’m normally quite confident but it turns out I do actually get nervous! There was no need however, The Princess Royal was lovely and fully engaged in what I was saying. She asked questions about the Fund and the Spinal Injuries Association.

Then came lunch. Turns out I was seated right next to Princess Anne, I couldn't believe it, surely not?! Her Royal Highness entered the room, everybody stood up and then she came and sat next to me. I've got to admit the next half an hour was a blur! We were pretty much chatting the whole time. I asked if she did a lot of this sort of thing and she answered yes, but not as much as she used to. We went on to talk about TV programmes (no, she doesn't watch Downton Abbey or the Crown!), disabled sports, horse riding and much more than I can remember.  We were talking like any two ordinary people would. HRH Princess Anne then went to leave. Again, everyone stood up – I joked that I couldn't stand, and that I wasn't being lazy! I think she laughed but I'm hanging my head in shame now.

What a day – it was an amazing experiencing and I’m proud to have represented the Fund. And the curry wasn’t bad either!