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Stephen and Paula Pratley smiling in front of roundel

“We will be leaving gifts in our Wills to show our appreciation for the Fund”



RAF Family

The RAF Benevolent Fund has been supporting members of the RAF Family through thick and thin for over 100 years. Thanks to the support of gifts in Wills, the Fund can continue to be there for people like Stephen Pratley and his wife Paula in their hour of need.

Stephen and Paula both served in the RAF throughout their lives, while based at RAF Whitton in Cambridgeshire. However, everything changed for the couple and their family in 1996, when Stephen was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy – a rare genetic disease that weakens muscles and has no cure. In 1996, after 18 years of service, Stephen was medically discharged.

Stephen said: "It was like our whole world was caving in. RAF doctors told me I'd be in a wheelchair within five years. Our son was only about two or three years old at the time. And you're thinking, how am I going to pay the mortgage? Will we be able to keep the house? It was really tough."

Stephen and Paula Pratley smiling on wedding day

It was when Stephen attended a muscular dystrophy meeting that he first considered reaching out to the Fund. Someone at Stephen's meeting mentioned the Fund's Housing Trust to him, and from there, the Fund were able to support Stephen and Paula with securing a new home, better suited to their needs.

Stephen continued: "The Fund were just amazing. They got an occupational therapist round to see what sort of property we needed, understanding that I was going to be in a wheelchair soon. They helped us find a new place to live – all level access, wet room, wide doors to fit the wheelchair I'd need. They thought of everything, all the adaptations we might need too. I don't know what we'd have done without them."

Stephen refused to give in to his diagnosis and was able to walk for many more years before needing a wheelchair. When the time eventually came, the Fund were able to step in again and provide him with a specially adapted chair through our mobility scheme.

But the family's struggles were far from over, as last year’s cost of living crisis began to take its toll. Stephen added: "Paula got poorly and with the cost of fuel at the time, we were paying hundreds of pounds per month just on heating the house. I spoke to the Fund again, and of course, they were there."

With their children grown up and no longer living at home, the Fund helped Stephen and Paula downsize to a smaller, fully accessible bungalow.

"We couldn't believe how much they helped us. We've both now decided to leave gifts in our own Wills to the RAF Benevolent Fund, so they can keep doing their amazing work in the future. It's not much, and we'll never be able to repay them fully. But I think it's so important that the Fund exists. And even though we can't give to them right now, in future we want to show our appreciation for everything they've done for us."

For more information on leaving a gift in your will, you can contact our Gifts in Wills team and request your free guide to leaving a lasting gift in your Will to the RAF Benevolent Fund. Just call 0333 355 1081 or visit