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Bomber Command Memorial virtual service

We’re sorry to hear that you are unable to join us for the Bomber Command Memorial virtual service.

If you would still like to watch the service but at a later time or date please click here to let us know.

We have set up a dedication page to collect stories of those in Bomber Command. Please visit to leave your own dedication and read others.

The RAF Benevolent Fund, proud guardians of the Bomber Command Memorial, is honoured to have stood side by side with the RAF Family for over 100 years. In the aftermath of losses of Bomber Command and the devastating impact of the Second World War on RAF personnel the Fund was there to help. 75 years later we continue to help the remaining few Bomber Command veterans and their families through practical, financial and wellbeing support.

However, as we receive no government funding, all our work is funded by donations by people like you. As such, we would be grateful if you would consider making a donation today to the Bomber Command Remembrance Fund to support veterans and serving personnel in difficulty today.

Make a donation 

Bomber Command Memorial

Bomber Command Memorial

The Bomber Command Memorial was created to honour the sacrifice of the 55,573 Bomber Command airmen who lost their lives in World War II. Learn more.

Veterans at Bomber Command Memorial

Bomber Command Remembrance Fund Club

Honour the memory of those who courageously served in Bomber Command, putting their lives on the line night after night, by joining the Bomber Command Remembrance Club.

Bomber crew prepare for raid

About Bomber Command

Learn about the vital role that Bomber Command played during the Second World War. 55,573 men died flying with Bomber Command during the conflict.