Executors and Solicitors
Thank you for your work in acting as Executor for an estate in which the RAF Benevolent Fund is a beneficiary. On this page you'll find information on how to correspond with us in estates in which the RAF Benevolent Fund is a beneficiary, whether you are a professional solicitor or acting as executor for a loved one. We have produced a guide specifically for Lay Executors, the link to which you will find on this page.
Guidance for solicitors
For pecuniary legacies
We would be grateful if you could please provide us with:
- the deceased's full name and last address
- an extract of the will clause mentioning our charity
For residuary legacies
We would be grateful if you could please provide us with
- a copy of the Will and a schedule of assets and liabilities of the estate, or copy of form IHT400/205 (England, Wales, Northern Ireland) or C1/IHT400 (Scotland)
- notification of when Probate/Confirmation was granted, and a copy of the Grant/Certificate when this becomes possible
- if the estate includes a property, a copy of the three property valuations/Home Report obtained, and of the Completion Statement/State for Settlement in due course.
Spending restrictions in a will
We’ll always follow the gift restrictions of a legator as expressed in their Will.
Guidance for non-professional Executors
If you can provide us with an extract of the Will clause mentioning our charity this will help us to follow the intentions as to their legacy.
To download our Guide for Lay Executors please follow this link, alternatively, you can contact our Legacies Administration Manager at jagdish.kaur@rafbf.org.uk or call 020 7307 3367 and ask for your free guide to be posted.
Download the free Guide for Lay Executors
For pecuniary (i.e. fixed-sum) legacies
Please let us know the full name and last address of the person whose estate you’re administering. They may have been a supporter and we can make sure no further post is sent to them.
For residuary legacies (portion of the residuary estate)
We’d be grateful to receive a complete copy of the Will, the Grant and the estate accounts in order for us to fulfil our external auditing requirements. These accounts need not be at all complex, they can be a simple summary of assets, liabilities, and payments made. The purpose of these accounts is to show the balance available for distribution to the residuary beneficiaries.
We appreciate that administering an estate can be both complicated and time consuming. We’d like to thank you for taking care of the charity's bequest. Please do let us know if you experience any difficulties, or if we can help you.
Spending restrictions in a will
We’ll always follow the gift restrictions of a legator as expressed in their Will.
How to make a payment
Please always send a letter or email with the legacy payment, explaining who the legacy is from, with the information detailed in the sections above. Thank you.
It’s not possible to make legacy payments online via our website. Please make a payment to us in one of the following two ways:
Legacy payments by bank transfer
If you wish to send us a legacy payment by bank transfer please contact our Legacy Administration Manager (cf. contact details below) for our bank details.
Legacy payments by cheque
Please make all cheques payable to 'The RAF Benevolent Fund'. Always include a covering letter with the cheque, so we can let you know we’ve received it. Please send to our address: RAF Benevolent Fund, Legacies Team, 67 Portland Place, London W1B 1AR.
Contact us
We're conscious of the environmental impact of using paper, so if you can please do always communicate with us by email. Please contact our Legacies Administration Manager at jagdish.kaur@rafbf.org.uk or call 020 7307 3367.