Help with day-to-day living costs
Whether you need help with unexpected one-off costs, regular financial support or some advice around your benefits – we can help you.

Regular financial assistance
This is for those on a low income and who are of pensionable age, or are close to pensionable age and have been diagnosed with a severe long-term health problem and will not be able to work again. The amount received will depend on the person’s financial circumstances. New applications will be capped at a maximum of £40 a week. You must reapply for financial support each year.
Garden maintenance allowance
A grant of up to £10 a week (£520 each year) can be given to people over pension age with a disability or infirmity to pay for the cost of maintaining a garden. This will be paid annually to employ a gardener throughout the year. This can be considered in exceptional circumstances for a fixed period for those under State pension age.
Domestic assistance allowance
A grant of up to £20 a week (£1,040 a year) to help pay for housework or minor DIY tasks can be given to people over pension age with a disability or infirmity. We hope this will enable people to stay in their home longer and remain independent. The allowance will be paid annually to employ a cleaner or someone to carry out maintenance work throughout the year. This can be considered in exception circumstances for a fixed period for those under State pension age.
Priority debts
In some cases, we can support people with priority debts and the costs of filing for bankruptcy or a debt relief order. An independent specialist debt adviser must confirm in writing that this is a suitable course of action.
Temporary financial assistance
There may be a variety of reasons where you might require temporary financial assistance. For example we may be able to help someone who has lost their job them from falling into financial difficulties. Though it's also important the person claims all statutory support.
State benefits
Our in-house benefits specialists are able to provide advice on income maximisation and state benefits. Further details can be found on our benefits advice page.
Costs we're unable to help with
Unfortunately we can't reimburse funds already spent unless it’s an emergency and the person has no other option than to borrow money or use a credit card. For example, paying for essential boiler repairs.
Loans and credit card debts
We can't help with debts such as credit cards and unsecured loans. Instead, we advise people to seek professional and independent debt advice from a specialist charity or organisation such as Citizens Advice.
If it's an exceptional circumstance, for example if credit was used to fund essential items or services, we may be able to help. In these cases, we’d require a report from a professional money adviser that outlines the problem, looks at options and recommendations, and confirms that no other solutions are available.
Private medical costs
We don't assist with private medical costs if treatment is available under the NHS. But we may consider helping when NHS funding is not available and there are exceptional circumstances. Applicants can be considered for treatment which is recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).
If you are serving in the RAF
If you are seeking financial support for £750 or less, you can apply online. Applications for over £750 require a SSAFA caseworker's report. Please contact your Unit Personal Support team who can help with this.
If you are an RAF veteran
You can apply online for financial help up to the value of £750. If the assistance you require is greater than £750, then there are other ways we can help. Please call us on 0300 102 1919 or make an enquiry for help online. Take a look at some of the things we can support you with financially.
Please note, small grants are usually made within two weeks of an application being received into the Fund's welfare team. At times when the team are experiencing heightened demand for support, applications may take a little longer to process.
Am I eligible for support?
View our eligibility checklist to see if you would qualify for help.
Get in touch
If you have any questions or would like to discuss your situation, please give us a call on 0300 102 1919 or submit a query online.