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RAF stations


Airplay Connect launches to extend support to young people in the RAF Family

Airplay Connect, a safe and secure digital resource for all RAF children and young people to access and enjoy, is now live.

Flight Lieutenant Ben Parkin and Flight Lieutenant Richard ‘Stan’ Stanley

RAF servicemen get set to march 100km in 24 hours for 78th anniversary of D-Day

In honour of the 78th anniversary of D-Day, two RAF personnel have planned a 100km march which they aim to complete in just 24 hours.

31 May 2022
RAF Troodos charity cycle ride

RAF Troodos personnel cycle up Mount Olympus

A team comprised of personnel currently deployed at Mount Olympus, in Cyprus, participated in a 122km charity cycle to raise funds for the RAF Benevolent Fund.

12 May 2022
Jacob Newson at RAF Honington

RAF Honington put Jacob the Pilot through his paces ahead of fundraiser

Eight-year-old Fund supporter Jacob Newson was treated to an exciting day out at RAF Honington, the home of RAF Force Protection, last month. As Jacob plans his next…

30 March 2022
RAF St Mawgan play park

RAF St Mawgan play parks given £100K makeover

Three play parks serving families based at RAF St Mawgan have been transformed thanks to a generous grant of more than £100,000 from the RAF Benevolent Fund.  

Telephone Friendship Calls

Fund receives £15K grant to support veterans in Scotland

The RAF Benevolent Fund received a generous grant of £15,000 to support veterans and their partners and widows living in Scotland throughout 2021.

12 January 2022