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World War Two

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'The Falcon of Malta'

Fighter pilots from the Royal Air Force played a critical role in the defence of Malta during its siege 75 years ago. One of the most renowned pilots was Canadian George…

Rafbf roundel

George Cross awarded to the island of Malta

Malta is also known as the George Cross Island, holding the distinction of being the only entire population to receive the bravery award.

Operation Pedestal

"By the time we arrived the island had suffered massively and was practically on its knees"

During the Siege of Malta, the island had been at the mercy of the German and Italian bombers until Allied ships and aircraft arrived to reinforce their defences.

Roald Dahl: His RAF career

13 September is Roald Dahl Day, a day celebrating the ever-popular author's birth. Roald Dahl served in the RAF during World War Two as a pilot, which inspired his story…

French honour for Battle of Britain veteran

When Stan Hartill joined the RAF at the age of 19 as a member of the RAF ground crew servicing Spitfires, he could never have known that over 75 years later he would be…

The heroic John Hannah

While Fighter Command took on the Luftwaffe over Britain and the Channel, the airmen of Bomber Command were flying missions over Fortress Europe.