'RAF Benevolent Fund Hub' for veterans launches at Scottish Deer Centre
We are excited to announce the launch of the 'RAF Benevolent Fund Hub' for local RAF veterans, which has opened at The Scottish Deer Centre. The hub, situated inside a barn at the Scottish Deer Centre in Fife, will allow veterans to access information on the care that the RAF Benevolent Fund offers, including mental health and financial support.
In addition, the hub will provide a location for veterans to meet up and socialise, which is much needed following a particularly challenging and isolating time during the pandemic.
Gavin Davey, Area Director for Scotland, Northern Ireland, and NE England at the RAF Benevolent Fund, said: "The 'RAF Benevolent Fund Hub' will fill a gap in a very positive way for RAF veterans in Fife and beyond.
"There is a tremendous pride associated with serving one’s country and asking for help when it is required sometimes doesn't come naturally to those who have endured hardship while in uniform and, later, when they have hung it up for good. We want to spread awareness that there is support available, and seeking help is nothing to be afraid of."
Co-owner of the Scottish Deer Centre, David Hamilton, added: "With the historic connection between the Buccaneer and the RAF, it is a great opportunity to join forces with the RAF Benevolent Fund and offer a venue where veterans can meet."