"Cadets gave me the perseverance and resilience to be successful in journalism"
The lessons and skills BBC journalist Laura Trevelyan learned as an air cadet prepared her for a life on the road, living on her wits, ready to leave at a moment's notice on the trail of breaking news. In this guest blog she recalls her time with her local squadron.
Being a cadet was a wonderful experience, I loved it. One of the highlights was learning to glide at West Malling in Kent. It was just amazing – aged 16 to be able to be up there as free as a bird, the beneficiary of these expert instructors. I can still remember how exhilarating that feeling was. I will always be so grateful for that opportunity.
I wanted to join the air cadets because of the excitement of flying. Joining the cadets expanded my horizons in a way I didn't appreciate at the time. It was something I pursued at university too, joining the Air Squadron and I continued to fly, becoming the first person in my year to go solo in a Bulldog.
I also did my Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award and got to meet Prince Philip at Buckingham Palace. Back then he would present the gold awards himself. For that you had to do various community service and a 50-mile trek over four days.
All these qualities team building, perseverance and resilience all of these things I learnt from being an air cadet and took into my professional career. Broadcasting is very often the art of the possible, what can you do, and having to hit the ground running. All of those attributes of organisation and a can-do attitude, those are all things I learned when I was an air cadet.
There is a connection between having been an air cadet and being a journalist. You have to be organised, you have to be on time, you have to be disciplined, you have to meet a deadline.
Although I did not choose a career in the Royal Air Force, my time in the cadets left with me with utmost respect for those who do serve and who do dedicate their lives to the protection of the rest of us. And that has stayed with me through my life.