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The Brown family

How we helped the Brown Family



RAF Family

Caroline was just seven when she was diagnosed with a rare, inoperable cancer; a stage four tumour in her head. The diagnosis took over two months to come as doctors initially thought she had an earache.

The Brown family

Within a week of the diagnosis, Caroline began a gruelling schedule of treatment including nine rounds of chemotherapy and proton beam radiotherapy in the US (this is now available in the UK at a centre in Manchester). Treatment in total took nine months from start to finish.

Caroline's recovery has been incredible she is now 'cured' of cancer and has been in remission for two years. There are some residual side effects from her illness and the aggressive treatment.

One side of her face was affected and part of her tongue muscle withered which means one of her vocal chords no longer works. She has now returned to school, four days a week.

The Fund stepped in when the family spent nine weeks in the US for her treatment. Mum Lucy was at home full-time and the extra grant meant the family could 'enjoy' a more comfortable stay while in the US. The treatment and accommodation were paid for by the NHS.

The Fund supplemented that so Michael and Lucy were able to indulge Caroline's every whim, especially where food was concerned, to keep her eating. The family also enjoyed day trips out when there were no hospital appointments to attend, thanks to the support of the Fund.

Lucy is a writer and to cope with all that has happened and help other parents going through the same thing, she has started a blog called Caroline's Rainbow. Caroline has also written on Mum Lucy's blog, writing from the perspective of her beloved bear Otto.

Michael has served with the RAF for 25 years. He is currently based at RAF Boulmer, working in Air Defence.