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Keith Park

How Air Vice-Marshal Sir Keith Park helped to save Malta

Seventy-five years ago, Malta stood firm resisting attacks from the air and sea during the Second World War. German and Italian forces lay siege to the Mediterranean…

Spectacular dinner begins Dambusters raid anniversary commemorations

A spectacular dinner in London hosted by the April Fools Club marked the start of a year-long fundraising campaign to raise a million pounds for the RAF Benevolent Fund…

Rafbf roundel

'The Falcon of Malta'

Fighter pilots from the Royal Air Force played a critical role in the defence of Malta during its siege 75 years ago. One of the most renowned pilots was Canadian George…

It's a silver for Stu!

Former Corporal Stuart Robinson recently represented the United Kingdom in the wheelchair rugby event at this year's Invictus Games.

13 October 2017

Tackling mental health head on

Recently the country rallied behind the brave ex-service men and women as they once again represented the UK at the Invictus Games.

10 October 2017

"It's great to feel part of something again"

This Saturday, thousands of people will tune in to watch the closing ceremony of the third Invictus Games, held in Toronto.

29 September 2017