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The Battle of Britain – the early days of the war

The Battle of Britain brought home the realities of war for the British public, as bombs fell on our cities and dogfights were silhouetted against the summer sun.

RAF Skeleton team complete 3,500 miles in 30 days for the RAF Benevolent Fund

The RAF Skeleton team are undertaking a 30-day challenge of collectively walking, running, cycling and swimming 3,446 miles throughout June.

29 June 2020

Armed Forces Week: Cadets

Today, we turn our focus to Air Training Corps (ATC) for Armed Forces Week. Air Cadets take part in various activities and sports as part of their training, but they…

26 June 2020

The Dowding System and the role of radar in the Battle of Britain

The Dowding System was the air defence network used during The Battle of Britain. It has been credited for giving Britain a critical advantage over Germany, as they…

Like father, like son – RAF service runs in the family!

For RAF pilots Mike and David Waring, Father's Day is an opportunity to reflect on their family's service to the Royal Air Force, as the third and fourth generations to…

21 June 2020

RAF children's letters surprise lonely veterans during lockdown

Children who attend Airplay, the Fund's youth support programme, have written to isolated elderly members of the RAF Family during the coronavirus lockdown.