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Warrant Officer Anita Prior recently left the RAF following a successful 38 year career. She was thrilled to learn she would be ending her service by attending the Patron's Lunch to mark Her Majesty The Queen turning 90. In this guest blog, read about Anita's day out on The Mall!
Serving as aircrew in the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) was one of the most dangerous roles in the First World War. Aviation was still a very new science, training was minimal, safety systems were basic to non-existent, and the aircraft themselves incredibly basic and fragile.
Having paid for his own flying lessons just three years before the Battle of the Somme, Welshman Lionel Rees had no idea what lay ahead of him on the first day of the battle. 
Reconnaissance – the ability to gather information on enemy forces – was catapulted into the modern era with advances in aviation and photography. 
To mark HM The Queen's 90th birthday, over 50 children at RAF Lossiemouth attended a special party in her honour.
Since 2010, more than 100 trusts, foundations, livery companies and other grant-making organisations have contributed around £3.5 million to the RAF Benevolent Fund.
Born in New Zealand in 1900, Sir Archibald McIndoe was destined to be a gifted and talented surgeon. By the outbreak of the Second World War, there were only four fully experienced plastic surgeons in Great Britain – Sir Archibald being one.
The Guinea Pigs were a unique band of RAF airman who paid a heavy price while serving for their country during the Second World War. Sometimes burned beyond recognition, with life-changing injuries, they battled disability and discrimination to go on to lead fulfilling lives.
Flying Officer Desmond O'Connell was just 19-years-old when he joined the RAF as a Volunteer Reserve before the war started. Aged 21, his unit was sent to sink the Bismarck, a mission that would see him become one of the founding members of The Guinea Pig Club.
Sandy Saunders was just 22 years old when his aircraft crashed and caught fire. On impact, he was knocked unconscious and awoke surrounded by flames.