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We have number of services to help people in need of emotional wellbeing support. This include our listening and counselling service and helpline service.
The RAF Benevolent Fund exists to provide emotional and financial support to the whole RAF family. Find out more about us.
We're here to help RAF veterans and serving members of the RAF and their partners and dependent children under 18.
Need support? The RAF Benevolent Fund is here for you. Request our help today.
See how to get in touch with us. Why not sign up to receive our monthly e-newsletter?
A problem with gambling can not only have an impact on your finances, but your relationships, mental wellbeing and work life can suffer too.
On this page, you will find a list of other charities who can provide support to help you with your mental wellbeing such as help with PTSD.
To support the children and young people of the RAF Family we have launched a specialist counselling service. Whether you or your partner are currently serving in the RAF or have previously served, we are here to help.
Apply for Financial Assistance from the RAF Benevolent Fund by using the Lightning Reach portal.
In addition to the support provided by the RAF Benevolent Fund, there is a wealth of advice and support available to the RAF Family.