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World War Two

Why the men of Bomber Command must never be forgotten

Before any troops even set foot on the beaches on 6 June 1944, Bomber Command had already lost almost 300 aircraft and 2,000 men (1,500 killed) attacking invasion…

"Abandon aircraft chaps"

Navigator John 'Jack' Lott had just celebrated his 25th birthday weeks before the D-Day landings, sadly this was the last birthday he would ever celebrate.

Spearheading the attack on Fortress Europe

Spearheading the attack on Normandy was just the start of Geoff Packham's extraordinary experience as the end of the war approached.

Decoys and deception

Decoys and deception were just as much a part of the D-Day campaign as the fighters in the air and the troops on the ground.

"Without the film, who'd remember the 50 who were murdered?"

Of the 76 who escaped from Stalag Luft III, 50 were handed over to the Gestapo and shot dead. Former PoW Charles Clarke spoke to the Fund in March 2019, a few months…

"The plan was for 200 men to get out"

In an interview with the late RAF veteran Jack Lyon, he explains how the PoWs at Stalag Luft III were split into three groups as they carefully planned their escape.