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World War Two

"The trouble with prison life is that we were all very young people. It seemed an age for us"

Former PoW, the late Charles Clarke, told the Fund what life was like for the prisoners at Stalag Luft III during World War Two.

"Our aircraft had been observed liked a great torch in the sky'"

Former Flight Lieutenant Jack Lyon was just 23 when he joined the RAF as an Aircraftman. He entered Stalag Luft III, the scene of the Great Escape, in 1942 when it…

"The game is up"

As the PoWs began to escape through the tunnel on the night of 24 March 1944, it was a long wait for the late Jack Lyon as he stood in the queue in Hut 104.

"It was every boy's ambition to join the Air Force"

Former Flight Lieutenant Charles Clarke was 20 years old when he was shot down over enemy territory serving in Bomber Command.

The unsurpassed gallantry of 302 and 303 Squadron

The film Hurricane, which tells the tale of the bravery of the Polish Fighter Squadrons, was released in the UK in September 2018. Back then, inspired by the movie we…

Rafbf roundel

Was the Dambusters raid a success?

In an exclusive interview with Mary Stopes Roe, daughter of bouncing bomb inventor Barnes Wallis, we asked her for her thoughts on whether the Dambusters raid was a…