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World War Two

The unsurpassed gallantry of 302 and 303 Squadron

The film Hurricane, which tells the tale of the bravery of the Polish Fighter Squadrons, was released in the UK in September 2018. Back then, inspired by the movie we…

Rafbf roundel

Was the Dambusters raid a success?

In an exclusive interview with Mary Stopes Roe, daughter of bouncing bomb inventor Barnes Wallis, we asked her for her thoughts on whether the Dambusters raid was a…

"Powerful waves shone out silver in the moonlight"

Although significant losses were sustained by 617 Squadron on the Dambusters raid of 16 and 17 May 1943, the damage that the Lancasters inflicted on their targets was…

Rafbf roundel

Melvin 'Dinghy' Young: failed to return

Squadron Leader Melvin Young acquired the nickname 'Dinghy' after ditching in the sea twice and surviving both times in an inflatable dinghy.

Robert Urqhuart: failed to return

Canadian Flying Officer Robert Urqhuart was the navigator for Squadron Leader Henry Maudslay's Lancaster on the night of Operation Chastise, the Dambusters raid of May…

"There were so many empty chairs it just wasn't true"

Of the 19 aircraft that took off on the night of 16 May 1943 for Operation Chastise, eight were shot down or crashed and tragically 53 of the 133 aircrew were killed.