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Spitfire ace Allan Scott – a tribute

All at the RAF Benevolent Fund are saddened to hear of the passing of one of the last Spitfire aces of the Second World War, Squadron Leader Allan Scott DFM.

Living through the Blitz – 100 days of bombing

The late Fred Hammond was just a teenager during WWII when Hitler switched tactics and began to rain bombs down on British cities. In this blog, Fred described what it…

The heroic John Hannah

While Fighter Command took on the Luftwaffe over Britain and the Channel, the airmen of Bomber Command were flying missions over Fortress Europe.

Wisbech RAF veteran cycles 46 miles in aid of RAF Benevolent Fund

An RAF veteran from Wisbech recently cycled 46 miles from Downham Market to Sandringham and back to raise money for the RAF Benevolent Fund.

1 September 2020

Remembering the man who helped keep the Spitfires in the sky

Stan, who has died aged 97, was always humble about his contribution to the war effort, insisting he was 'just doing his job' but we remember his bravery and…

Blades Aerobatic Team rise to the Hardest Day Challenge

The Hardest Day – the name given to 18 August 1940 – was the day that saw the largest number of casualties in a single day throughout the entire Battle of Britain, and…

25 August 2020